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A bit of Experimental Photography and a quick look at Brixham Pirate


This summer I thought I would have a go at a little bit of experimental photography for my own satisfaction. We had many cherry tomatoes in the greenhouse, so I picked a few placed them on a black tile under a very Heath Robinson box I had constructed and lined with a piece of black velvet  .This was done in the garden using natural light, with a shoot low policy so that you only got the reflection that you required which was of the tomatoes  reflected onto the tile. This was  so you didn't get any extraneous  reflections from else where.

The main problem was getting the tomatoes to stay in one place long enough to photograph them, without them rolling everywhere and now wanting to stick them or anything else as the idea was to eat them afterwards.! The following images are other fruits and seeds that I tried s well. Home grown pears and some yellow round cucumbers with cherry toms, oranges and lemons for the colour and how they looked. The images aren't perfect but the idea is on the right lines . I need a larger tile and shinier too. When I look at the shots, I notice little marks, which I suppose could have been taken out to some degree with PS. 

I also bought some extension rings to try some Macro photography of a sunflower. I then put the images into Lightroom and changed the images using the curves, the colours and went into B&W.


Brixham Pirate Festival


Held the 1st Bank Holiday Weekend in May in Brixham, it is when the port comes to life with Pirates from all over the country. People join in and come in costume and really live the part. Even the kids and dogs as are dressed to "kill".

The pubs, shops and food eateries do a roaring trade  and it is good publicity for the Town. 

I walked around the town to try and get a feel of it photographically speaking. It was lucky that the weather was very good this year and brought out thousands of people.

A selection of the images I took for my portfolio are to the side 

Pirate re edit 18.6.19.jpg

One very obliging pirate who didn't mind this photograph being taken 


Amazing costume don't know how he stands so still for so long .


The same Pirate a year or so apart but not so well this time and in a wheel chair . I stopped to chat with him for a while and he was telling me about friends who are making rum in Cornwall, not his favourite and there I was thinking all Pirate love rum !

This section is included as Tony Weaver who was initially leading this module asked us to go out over the summer and photograph anything that interested us .


This again is where the town  and harbour forms the backdrop to the Pirate Festival and is spread out over a large area with many stalls and food units and is by an large a very happy enjoyable event for people of all ages and accessible to those with disabilities too. As things stand here in March, I think it is highly unlikely that the event will go ahead this year due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. 

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