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My Fantasy Exhibition 

As this is going to be my fantasy world where money is no object and I can play I being Anthony Gormley  or his ilk  for the want of a name .The world and its wife is going to flock to see what I have produced  so I can pull out all the stops and go totally over the top. The media are going to be everywhere praising the design and content of this exhibition,. Well in my dreams maybe, but as I am allowed to dream as we are in a fantasy world at the moment , where the world has kept spinning but it's population have been made to stop, everyday life is not what it was. Nothing like this has happened to the population quite on this scale previously. So here I go with my ideas, totally over the top


As my exhibition is about being Frozen in time I could not manage without having an Ice hotel , with paying guests  who would come to stay for the novelty of being there and to take the exhibition at their leisure , outside and inside there would  be ice sculptures. It would have to be lit with the latest LED lights which would be able to set he mood and change the look of the rooms from maybe bright and cheerful  in the day , to  seductive and  sexy  in the evening to at the theatre with the lights low and laser lights projecting my images across the  icy walls of the hotel. Above the Northern lights would be swirling to provide the photographers dream setting and people who have never seen them would be in awe of natures stunning display. The range of ice sculptures would be varied and some of the best sculptures'  demonstrating their craft .  My ice blocks would be large too, so that they would be easily seen and demonstrate how the world  nearly came to standstill, Larger than life  and subtly lit, they would make a statement to all who saw  them.

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My exhibition  is based on the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic which has hit the world . I am wanting to show the early days in Paignton  not long after Lockdown  and how deserted the streets had become with the shops closed other than the necessary food , chemists and banks, who would  are only for  open for 3 hours a day . They have the mandatory limits or how many people are allowed in and all at 2 metre distancing. What I trying  to do with this exhibition, is to give an insight to what has happened  around the town. I have neighbours who haven't been out  or gone shopping in weeks due to health worries so have no idea of how we have had to queue to access shops or in somecases how empty the shelves have been,  necessities  , toilet rolls or food  vanished off the shelves due to the panic buying at the start of lockdown.

I have arranged the images here in some order that I thought might work for the exhibition. My idea is to give a bit of a narrative  and show how empty the town was and such an eerie feel with very few people around.  I wanted to bring in the not so good side  adding the funeral images , but have also interspersed the order with the frozen images and photographs that I have taken during my time at college and a few previously to that.

I have accessed the Art Pandemic  website and not sure yet how to arrange the photos, its not clear yet how things will look when they are uploaded , having checked other peoples sites there is not too much available to give you a feel of how it should be done. Taking into account that everyone is different 


I have made a new page where I have place the images that I want to use in the order that I would like them to be viewed.

Having uploaded my images tp the Art Pandemic website and found they were not coming out in the correct order. I deemed  it necessary to  make a grid system to place them in order. It  also allowed me to add statements' to the images and explain my reasoning for having them in the particular order. 

They will be found on the page after this one and called simply new Page .

The web page allowed my to upload 50 images out of 54 , but they haven't gone in order so I have sent out my new webpage with all the images and the comments I have made  to ask for feedback. I also added it to my  Photography Facebook page to see if I could stimulate further interest. I will wait and see what happens there.





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